Fisher: Setup a package manager for fish shell

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Fisher: Setup a package manager for fish shell


1 min read

Fisher is a package manager for the Fish shell, a popular alternative to the traditional Bash shell. Fisher is designed to make it easy to manage and install Fish shell plugins and themes, and it provides a convenient way to keep these tools up to date.


To install fisher run the below command in the terminal

curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher


Install plugins

  • To install a new plugin from a GitHub repository you can use the install command

      fisher install <user_name>/<repo_name>
  • To install plugins from local directories

      fisher install ~/path/to/plugin

List plugins

To view a list of the installed plugins you can use the list command

fisher list

Update plugins

To update an installed fisher plugin you can use the update command

fisher update <user_name>/<repo_name>

Remove plugins

To remove installed plugins you can use the remove command

fisher remove <user_name>/<repo_name>

Visit Fisher git repository to see the documentation: