I Created A Gui Calculator With Java Swing

I Created A Gui Calculator With Java Swing

Hai Friends ❗❗ I am Adithyan A and Thank you for clicking on my first-ever post

What is this ?

It is an arithmetical calculator made with java and swing library This was my first ever project and now it is in its complete stage

This is the Screenshot of the Complete version of the app






  • Fast

  • Simple

  • Responsive

Use it with the .jar executable file

1 - Clone the GitHub repository git clone https://github.com/AdithyanA2005/Calculator_Swing.git

2 - Change the directory To Calculator_Swing/out/artifacts/Swing_Calculator_Java_jar

3 - Copy the executable file Swing_Calculator_Java.jar to your desired location

4 - Run the executable file by double-clicking it

How To Use It With the Source Code ?

Using it is very simple, Follow the below steps

1 - Clone the GitHub repository git clone https://github.com/AdithyanA2005/Calculator_Swing.git

2 - Change the directory cd Calculator_Swing/src

3 - Compile the java file javac Main.java

4 - Run The Program java Main

Evolution Of The App?

As This is my first-ever project This has evolved a lot

The Screenshot of The First Ever Version

Image description

The Final Version Of The App
