Install NVM for Fish Shell


1 min read

Install the plugin

For this you need to first have the fisher plugin manager installed: install fisher

fisher install jorgebucaran/

Using NVM

  • Install the latest Node release and activate it.

      nvm install latest
  • Install the latest LTS Node release

      nvm install lts
  • Install a specific version of NodeJs

      nvm install v15.3.0
  • Activate a node version you've already installed

      nvm use v14
  • List the installed version of nodejs (includes your system-installed one, if present)

      nvm list
  • List all node versions that can be installed

      nvm list-remote
  • Uninstall a node version

      nvm uninstall v15.3.0

NVM version for different projects

A .nvmrc file makes it easy to lock a specific version of Node for different projects. For this, we need to create the .nvmrc file in the root directory of the project and specify the required node version in it. If the version currently being used is the version needed for the project then you can create the file using the command

node --version >.nvmrc

Then run the nvm install to install or nvm use to activate that version. These can be called from anywhere inside the project